Science Engagement Activities - Dr Sara Keller
In this case study, Dr Sara Keller describes her public engagement activities to raise awareness of the topic of antimicrobial resistance and how engineers are working to address the problem. Key learning outcomes included an understanding of what engineering research comprises and why antimicrobial resistance is a wide-spread problem affecting us all.

Dr Tanmay Bharat wins 2023 Fleming Prize
Prizes & Awards
Dr Tanmay Bharat wins the 2023 Fleming Prize awarded by the Microbiology society.

Researcher Spotlight: Dr Tanmay Bharat
Researcher Spotlight
This interview introduces Beyond Antibiotics researcher, Dr Tanmay Bharat. He has experience of chronic bacterial bone infections. As part of the Beyond Antibiotics project, he supervises projects on microscopy of biofilms. Results will lead to novel therapeutic strategies against pathogenic bacteria.

Researcher Spotlight: Prof. Robert Carlisle
Researcher Spotlight
This interview introduces Beyond Antibiotics researcher, Prof. Robert Carlisle. His research focuses on the delivery of therapeutics for anti-microbial activity, for anti-cancer activity and for vaccination. As part of the Beyond Antibiotics project, he examines advanced biologic therapies, such as bacteriophage, as well as the mechanical and enzymatic disruption of biofilms.