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Dr Veerle Brans and Christopher (Kester) Campbell present at Spotlight: Illuminating Engineering

Dr Veerle Brans and Christopher (Kester) Campbell presented their research at the science outreach event, Spotlight: Illuminating Engineering, at the Old Fire Station in Oxford on April 17, 2024.

Both researchers are members of the Centre for Antimicrobial Research and Engineering (CARE) funded by the Beyond Antibiotics Programme Grant. Dr Veerle Brans and Christopher (Kester) Campbell and are using innovative ultrasound-based research methods for varying medical applications.

Christopher (Kester) Campbell presented his research on using gas-filled droplets to reduce infections at the science and engineering outreach event. The focus of his work is improving treatment outcomes for people with diabetic foot ulcers caused by harmful bacteria. This work is conducted as part of the Beyond Antibiotics research to reduce antimicrobial resistance through novel and antibiotic-free treatments*.

Dr Veerle Brans discussed her research, which is also using ultrasound and bubbles, with an alternative application for managing back pain by providing a novel and minimally invasive treatment for spinal disc degeneration.

Both presentations were well received and sparked questions and comments about science and engineering. Audience members consisted of secondary school students and members of the public.

*This research is funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Programme Grant Scheme under the reference number EP/V026623/1.

Dr Veerle Brans speaking at the Spotlight: Illuminating Engineering event at the Old Fire Station in Oxford, UK

Christopher (Kester) Campbell speaking at the Spotlight: Illuminating Engineering event at the Old Fire Station in Oxford, UK

Dr Veerle Brans and Christopher (Kester) Campbell at the Spotlight: Illuminating Engineering event at the Old Fire Station in Oxford, UK